Drusilla 1st August 2019

Golly what to say about Fester? Many memories of drunken BBQ evenings. He was always in charge of cooking the food, and lots of it. no-one dare interfere. Sardines, burgers, sausages, chicken, steak etc. Debbie & Fester never 'under catered'. And our wine/beer glasses were always topped up without us realising it. There was always competition on who had the most rings on their BBQ, I'm sure he won. Nights out in the Vaults, always standing up but keeping a close eye on 'us ladies' just in case we needed his help, like a top up or something equally important. Fester is a man who loves being involved, loves life, loves friends and most importantly loves his adorable wife Debbie. Fester - we will always love you, never forget you and look forward to seeing you on your star drinking another glass of port delivered from the Captain. Cheers to you.